Online Sister Cities Forum: Strengthening Alaska-Japan Bonds

On November 25th, 2024, the Consular Office of Japan in Anchorage hosted the Online Sister Cities Forum, bringing together representatives from sister cities in Alaska and Japan.

The forum commenced at 4 P.M. Alaska time, opened by Daniel Holayter of the Consular Office of Japan. After welcoming remarks and attendance, participants introduced themselves and shared the history of their sister cities. Representatives from Anchorage, Homer, Kenai Peninsula, Palmer, Seward, and Sitka joined from Alaska, while Chitose, Mombetsu, Teshio, and Akita participated from Japan.

Head Consul Kiyohiko Hamada highlighted recent efforts to strengthen Alaska-Japan ties, including his successful visits to Alaska’s sister cities. Discussions covered past sister city events and exchanges, future events, revitalizing connections that have slowed, online exchange classes, funding requirements, challenges, and the potential for online language classes.

The forum ended at 5:10 P.M., with attendees sharing emails to foster ongoing collaboration.